19 July 2007
just took this today morning when i want coco to stay put so i left her on the small chair. she do not dare to jump down while i clean her area before going to work. poor coco, no one to play with her during the day time and sometimes when we come home, we too tired to let her out and play with her.
some pictures taken on last sunday
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18 July 2007
today start off with a cloudy day and rain slightly and i felt that there could be bad news today. and as i expected, COE went up by $1,199 and is now $16,000. so disappointed but no choice because even my friend did not expect it to go up. and he predicts that the next bidding should increase too. so he said might need to wait for another month or so to drop. actually some other guy who is selling cars did told me Sept might drop, so i guess latest by Sept i should get a COE. now got to wait for Aug 1 to come which is the next COE bidding.
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13 July 2007
still got 5 more days to COE bidding...
now using my colleague's new notebook and configuring it. it's using windows vista business, never used before, so helped him out and at the same time try out. this notebook comes with only 512mb ram which is not good enough for windows vista. the thickness of the notebook also thicker than other notebooks, design looked so plastic. but since it's free, i guess he had no choice.
this weekend hoping to send coco for grooming, do not know if got time or not since sunday attending someone's wedding.
yesterday met up with bren and asked for his help to do up a database for my company but no money paid to him except to treat him a meal to thank him. i told him this database might help me in my job, so he unwillingly accepted the request.
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12 July 2007
6 more days to COE bidding
yesterday was home alone, picked up coco and placed her on another chair beside me. she do not dared to jump down.i know her hair is super long and untidy, planned to send her for grooming soon but she is still as cute.
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11 July 2007
yesterday received a call from ocbc, asked me a serials of questions and then hang up. soon, xavier called and told me my loan for the kelisa is approved. although kinda expected, still happy because at least 1 stage cleared. now will have to wait till 18 july for the COE bidding, if successful, kelisa will be here by early august.
last week my aunty asked if i want to take over her toyota vios which still got about $43600 left to finance. although it's a bigger and nicer car, we do not need it moreover getting a kelisa is just $19999 as compared to $43600, do not have so much money to spend on this car leh. maybe can buy over but would not be driving because already paid so much monthly for the loan.
today i am not on duty and both my dear are out, now fixing my main computer, do not know what is wrong with it. maybe it's time to get a new computer since this been around for at least 5 years. anyway, i will just need a motherboard, processor, better power supply and a bigger casing to improve the air circulation which in all costs less than $600.
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10 July 2007
the time now is 12.50am of 09 July 2007 and i am still working. not too bad as i know many could still working outside now but i am working at home. yesterday finally placed an order to buy a Perodua Kelisa but it's a OPC, which is Off-Peak Car in full. it's good enough for us as i am working at Shenton Way and parking there is way too expensive, not forgetting that there are other charges like ERP, more petrol, more maintenace and more expensive roadtax. to park in Shenton Way, average price is $200-$400 depending on locations. that is why, we only opt for a OPC so that weekends can never be the same again. we can go picnics (which my dear always love to talk about) or Sentosa (which i do not know why our gal suggested when she knows i going to buy car).
although finally got chance to buy car, my friend could senses that i am not happy and excited. i told him because there's some problem with work and i got "screwed" last night. no point talking about it, just have to accept the fact that, being "screwed" is part of my job.
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09 July 2007
btw i got tagged by mdm lim annie...
Rules of the game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!
Here it goes...
1. Used to have a lump in between my nose and mouth because i was so naughty when i was just a kid and knocked that area against a glass table at my grandmother's house. not once but knocked twice on the same spot. i could not bare the pain and so the bruise grew into a from inside. i got it removed after PSLE and so my secondary friends does not know about it.
2. I still likes to play computer games although i have a kid and married. i wonder when i will stop playing games. just got a psp, just cannot get my hands off it... oops...
3. although got 19 points for my "O" levels but i cannot get into poly because my English no good. Singapore system no good, should give people like me a chance.
4. started learning to ride bike at 16, got the license by 17 and a bike of my own at 18. but this bike was sponsored by my grandfather. i promised to return money to him but yet to do so after more than 10 years. what a bad grandson i am.
5. passed my class 2B, 2A and 3 in 1 attempt. then my father compared me and my brother as he took 3 attempts to pass class 3. after my brother passed, my father even took a ride in the car and make sure he really knows how to drive in order to approve him to drive independently. but this does not applies to me... hehe
6. i do not like to eat vegetables until i met my wife and she FORCED me to eat. now i enjoy eating most of the vegetables.
7. i used to learn cooking in secondary school through Food and Nutrition class. then found a job as a cook at Swensen's. i also learned to make thousand island, tartar and some other sauces but i do not try them at all because i do not like it. so always make these sauces and asked colleagues to try.
8. used to like to cycle a lot when i was still single and living with my mother which is near Farrer Park mrt. i could cycle from home to orchard road, chinatown, shenton way, east coast park, toa payoh, etc. and so, i used to be slim but not now... :(
9. Scared of dogs but loved my Coco!!!
Weird? I think i should not tag anyone because i do not think anyone else will visit my tiny blog.
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