19 March 2006 - My first post

This is my very first post in blogspot. I have ever used msn to blog but also stopped at 2nd posting. Anyway, I hope blogspot will be a good place for me to continue my blog. With so much bloggers nowadays, it's so hard to choose my blog name. So richdadnodad came to my mind after multiple attempts of choosing blog name. Anyway, I wonder anyone will see my blog, I guess this blog is for myself to see and in future, I can refer back, thinking back what I experienced.

As usual, I would bring my family to my grandma's house to eat lunch. It's quite far from my sembawang house to gloucester road but this has become a routine that we make it a point to go. My grandma who is quite old (n I do not know how old, maybe 80+) is not feeling well recently n she would keep talking n talking in cantonese. Nowadays, I cannot make up what she's talking about. She's a little deaf on both ears, needs a little of shouting, then she can hear us. She has grew so thin and so weak. Before she moved house to current place, she looks more healthy n would wake up around 5am to do some walking exercise. I have no idea why she has become so weak n she just kept sitting or sleeping on the sofa.

That's a little bit of my family history and I just hoped I have got more time to write more today. I am a person who is pretty lazy and gets tired easily nowadays, but when I get into mood to do something, I hope to do more. Anyway, there's still a little time, so I shall continue some other days. Below are pictures of my grandma n grandpa.

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